
Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Planting List

I was all geared up these last two weekends to make some headway in my garden, but no, mother nature rained me out both weekends. It is nice today though. For the spring I have the following I would like to get done before summer.

Setup garden area which includes:
Building Planting Boxes
Setting up Potato Tires
Plant fruit trees and blue berry bushes.
Build potting shed
Plant our deciduous trees that we have had in pots for the last two years.
Build trusses for grapes

We have two apple, two plum and a cherry tree to plant as well as two blue berry bushes. I am thinking I will incorporate them into our wind break, but I am not married to this yet, I may put them nearer to the garden so that the garden beds are a little more protected from the wind.

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