Amazingly, he slept through all the pre-op for the surgery. They even had to draw blood for an HnH test and he slept through that as well. (My friend Mike just called too. We have good friends, no doubt.)
11:36AM - Darius is still in surgery, but will be out shortly. Updates say that he has done well and the the surgery has gone well. It is a little over the estimated time of three hours, but not unusually long for this type of repair. Right now ViviAnne and I are sitting in the waiting room and waiting for the doctor to come in and tell us how everything went in some detail. Maybe in 30 minutes or so.
1:05PM - Well, it was more than 30 minutes, but he is done with his surgery. We spoke with the doctor and she was very pleased with how well it all went. She said that she feels that the repair is very good and that he was just great throughout the whole process. Right now we are still in the waiting room anxiously awaiting Jan, who will take us back to see him once he is starting to wake up. The doctor said that he did wake up, but he tore out the IV, so they put him back under general anesthesia to put a new one back in. So he is at least as feisty as ever:) So, his total time in the surgery was around 4:30 hours. A little long for two fretting parents, but we will survive. Luckily, there is a bed in the room that he will be in, so ViviAnne or I will be able to stay the night with him.
We also know that for the next day he will be on liquids and then tomorrow afternoon, we can start to introduce some pureed foods. If all goes well we may be able to leave a little earlier than we thought. It all depends on him, he is tough!
4:19PM - We are now in the recovery room at Sacred Heart. He is in the intermediate care unit. His pain is pretty high, and he is on a pretty steady cocktail of drugs to keep him pain free and sleepy. I have a picture of him here... Let me explain all the cords. First, after getting out of surgery, he pulled out the IV. Then he got really pissed and it took the nurses 7 tries (30 minutes) to put it back in, so he has quite a few needle pokes in his arms and legs. They ended up getting an IV into his neck and have taped it up and even sutured it in place. Yes, that's right, they stitched his IV to his neck. Fun. There is also a suture in his tongue with the thread still attached, so that if there are some breathing problems they can pull his tongue out of the way to help him breath. He managed to already get his fingers tangled up in the thread and started to pull on his tongue. That was not pleasant either. Now he is sleeping though and the discharge and mucus from the repair site is subsiding. We also put socks on his hands and taped them on so he can't get them into his mouth or get his fingers tangled up in the cords or stitch in his tongue. We will try some liquids tomorrow morning I think.
8:50PM - Well, good news for us, Darius started drinking liquids already. He had kinda woke up for a bit, but was pretty fussy, and we just kinda decided to try it. He ended up drinking about 5oz of pedialite. He did great too, actually taking drinks like a normal person with a normal pallet. It was fun to watch and then he was in a good mood for a couple of minutes and I was able to play peek-a-boo with him for a little bit. He was smiling and everything. Very good!
I am signing off for tonight, will talk more tomorrow and post a recipe for a couple of days ago:)
1 comment:
Thanks Justin for filling me on the details that Autumn doesn't tell me though it was difficult to read some of that suture and IV stuff. I guess I have to toughen up, just like Darius' palate. We have been saying prayers for Darius so I guess we should include you parents in that. Didn't think of it before but they say the parents suffer with every injury to the child. Poor you. Happy that things seem to have gone well. Hope to see you sometime soon. We're working on getting permits to make sure we're all legal and everything. Will let you know when demo is ready to begin. We're pricing and making plans and doing little things. Take care.
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