You don't notice them at first, in fact I didn't notice them at all initially. I first was walking by a long stretch of hedges and saw little dog houses in amongst the brush. Not dog houses though, cat houses, all over the place. They are for all the wild cats living on the island. There are tons of them around the shopping center I had dinner at last night. At one point I saw about 9 of them sitting out in the grass waiting for the last bits of light to fade to start their evening activities. You will be walking along one of these hedges and every so often they will shake and something will shoot out the other side as you pass by.
I saw a mongoose too, looks like a smallish ferret. They are pretty cute.

I was also walking around waiting for my movie to start last night and walked behind some stores to get a better view of the ocean. Back behind the stores there was a little path that ran along the building. In each large window there was a 4 foot spider web with a largish black/grey spider with bright yellow marking sitting in the middle of the web. Each time I would approach as I moved down the path, the spiders would sense my presence and rear up, like they were ready to jump at me. It was kinda freaking me out.

There are no snakes on the island. Interesting. There are however a lot of little green geckos as you can see from the pictures.
Holmes, Curt and I want to know why there are not any pictures of the Manta Rays, Feral Cats, Yellow Bellied Spiders, and Brown Bellied Hula Girls. You promised us, and all we get is pics of red flowers. And one gecko. Weak sauce.
Going to Seattle today, see you in August. Curtis has to poop.
Hi Dad,
I really like the lava rocks. I love you and really miss you. The bird that wanted the cookies was really funny and cute. fggbfgb bifgifibjdgrd
I hope you come back soon.
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